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Hi, my name is D.J. Trischler, and I'm your Price Hill neighbor. This short (3 – 5 minute) worksheet is a part of my studies in design at the University of Cincinnati. I am exploring what Price Hill residents care about most for our community. This will help me identify what graphic designers like myself can contribute to our neighborhood in ways that adapt to locally relevant needs, desires, and already existing efforts. The four sections on the worksheet help me research this topic.
Participants should complete the sheet in person and only one time. No repeats, please. As a token of my gratitude, I offer various snacks (until I run out).
If you would like to receive updates on the project, write down your email address on the signup form at the table (separate from the activity sheet), follow @pricehilldesign on Instagram, or email me at
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You may skip questions that make you feel uncomfortable.
  • The top section asks for details about yourself, like which Price Hill neighborhood is your home and how you assess your quality of life in Price Hill. I don't ask for any information that identifies you, like name or address.
  • The middle section asks you to select up to five groups you would join. Pick groups you are most excited about, already a part of, or think our neighborhoods need the most. You are not signing up for anything by selecting a group. The groups reflect what I heard is fundamental in Price Hill through a community survey, interviews, and walking around the neighborhoods.
  • If you think there's a group missing from the options, propose an imaginary group on the left side of the bottom section. This section is optional.
  • Finally, write down some of the activities that groups would organize around Price Hill on the right side of the bottom section.
Participants must complete the sheet in person and only one time. No repeats, please. As a token of my gratitude, I offer various snacks (until I run out).
If you would like to receive updates on the project, write down your email address on the signup form at the table (separate from the activity sheet), follow @pricehilldesign on Instagram, or email me at
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Mini-Workshop Worksheet

Click the link below for a preview of the worksheet.

Tentative Dates and Locations

Dates and locations subject to change
Jan 22, 2022
12:00 – 2:00
West Price Hill
1920 Colony Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45205
Jan 29, 2022
12:00 - 2:00
Lower Price Hill
738 State Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45204
Feb 1, 2022
3:30 – 5:45
East Price Hill
3648 Warsaw Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45205
Feb 12, 2022
12:00 – 2:00
Lower Price Hill
738 State Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45204
Feb 16, 2022
3:30 - 5:45
East Price Hill
3301 Price Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45205