Call for Photos

Convocatoria de fotos
Read the information sheet here. By submitting your photos, you consent to share your photos for the research study. Entrants must be residents of Price Hill and 18+.

Submit photos of design that enhances or hinders the quality of life in Price Hill to

Please clearly identify whether your photos represent a design that enhances or hinders the quality of Price Hill.
Are you interested in a Price Hill Design Focus Group?
Respond, โ€œyes, I am interested in the Price Hill Design Focus Group,โ€ and include your name and phone number.

Submissions are anonymous and will contribute to a research study by D.J. Trischler, a resident of Price Hill and graduate student in the School of Design at The University of Cincinnati. The primary purpose of this research study is to characterize community-led design efforts that enhance the quality of life in Price Hill.
For more details, email

Have you filled out the Price Hill Design survey yet? Click here to participate.